Events, Live & Recorded Video
Live and online high impact events.
Public Events

Sugar Coated Documentary
U.S. Premier Event
Including Real Food Hackathon
Speaking & Presentations
Regional & National Conferences

Sometimes Conversations Can Be Challenging – Facilitation is Key!
(Wolfram with Xela Aid team speaking with Guerrillas during the Guatemalan Civil War)
Video Productions & Live Social Media
Educational, entertaining, and engaging content strategy & content.
Hacking the American Mind Interview
Real Food Fun Event
Panel Discussion – YouTube
Dr. Robert Lustig & Dale Bredesen
Live Facebook Conversation
Wolfram and I worked together in coordinating and running webinars for the IRN. Wolfram is gifted at bringing people together for a cause, uniting them in voice, and amplifying that voice a hundred times over. I witnessed Wolfram gather a prestigious board, direct public education, and conceive, develop and coordinate events and fundraisers through multiple mediums. He’s not only competent and skilled, but he’s creative, compassionate, good-natured, and highly likable – a special combination indeed.

Sweet Revenge program available in English and Spanish versions. Funded by foundations. Distributed via public television and through organizations as fundraising premium. Available online via Advise & Consent.
Sweet Revenge -Turning the Tables on Processed Food
Public Television Program – Advisory Role, Fund Development, Promotion
Seen by over one million people on 400 public television stations.
Live Facebook Conversation
Hungry for Change Symposium
Keeping it Real